So here it is...
August 28th and it definitley feels like Fall here in my little corner of the world. The Summer has gone by so quickly that I honestly think that I blinked... and then I missed it! Of course, the rainy weather for 5 weeks didn't help.
So... lots has happened with our family since I last posted... which OMG... has been in forever.
I've been so busy applying for new jobs, I totally haven't had time to write anything!!
Yes, you heard me correctly. I went for my first job interview in forever yesterday. I have applied for 12 jobs in two weeks. That's a full-time job all in itself! I forgot how tough it is out there in the "real" world.
This new position that I have applied for is a similar role to what I do right now, only selling different products... in a different CITY!! The products that I will be selling (if I get the job, that is) are those that people HAVE to have because the Federal Government says so. It's a bit easier to sell products that you are required by Law to have... or so I think.
So yes, you heard me right... another City!! IF all goes well and I land the job, our family WILL be moving. We have been looking at doing this for quite a few years... my seven yr old is scared to death about making new friends, which pulls at my heart strings, but all-in-all, things will be better for our family if we are able to make this move.
So... I apply for 12 jobs and get one interview... so far. It's not great when you have a potential employer on the phone, calling to set up an interview and your two and a half year old is standing beside you screaming "M-O-M-M-Y!!! GET OFF THE PHONE, I NEED YOU!" However, the employer didn't seem to mind. Phew!
Before the phone call I was reading over the job description that I have printed off of the internet and reading the name of the person that you have to send your resume to for this particular position. I recognize the name but for the life of me, can't remember from where? Considering it's been a long time since I've had any contacts with people in this particular city (other than family and friends). I give up. Then... the phone rings... and as I'm setting up the appointment with Baby O so nicely screaming bloody murder in my ear, it hits me... once I hear this man's voice, I know exactly who it is!! Funny!! Anyhow, I can't exchange this information with him due to my frantically trying to get the man off of the phone.
I arrived yesterday morning for my interview and have to wait for 10 minutes while another potential candidate is having his interivew. There's nothing worse than coming out of the interview (or going in) and staring your competition right in the face!! Anyhow, the guy leaves (who btw... looks like a baby) and it's my turn.
(Backing up just for a minute... the person calling for the interview wasn't actually the Employer, he is a consultant, hired by the Employer, to interview and hire someone for them... he also does sales training for the company, etc.)
Okay... it's my turn...
I walk into the room and automatically stick out my hand to give the man a handshake greeting... his first comments? "Oh, your a hand-shaker!" Then it hit me again... I know this man because I took part in a seminar that he was the guest speaker for just this past Spring for one of our Networking groups here in my little corner of the world.
One of the big things that he said in his seminar was that "people are fazing out the shaking of hands due to the spread of virus', swine flu, etc.," and that he never initiates a handshake anymore because it makes some people feel very uncomfortable. I think this is a little off-the-wall considering a lot of the training that I have had makes you think that you have the "seal the deal" with a hand-shake.
Anyhow, when he made the "hand-shaking" comment to me, I laughed and said, "OH, I forgot... it's just a habit... I remember you saying in your seminar..."
Ohhh... this grabbed his attention... "you've been to one of my seminars?"
"Why, yes I have actually... remember when you spoke at...?"
"Oh, yes... and you and I spoke afterwards, etc, etc."
What a great way to start an interview.
This set a very relaxed tone for the rest of the interview. He then provided me with information that is very lucrative to the position and after 2 minutes expressed that I would be "without a doubt moving on to the next step." YAY for me!!
I got a call from a very close friend the other day who knows that I am looking for a new position. She said, "you know Momof3... there may be a position here.... send me your resume and I will hand deliver it to my Manager, etc... in order to get a position in today's marketplace, it's all about who you know." I really believe this... it's sad but true!!
I left my job interview laughing, while bumping into the next two candidates who were sitting in the waiting area, shaking in their boots.
I think that it also helps that I am already accustomed to this business and how it 'works'. A lot of newbies don't really know how hard you have to work in order to be in a position like this... and... how rewarding that hard work can be!! However... being accustomed to the business can also be detrimental because a lot of companies like to train you to do things the way that 'they' want you to do them... it's hard to brake old habits!!
So, I'll just wait and see. Phase II was an online sales profile, which was sent to me and completed lastnight. Phase III is a meeting with the recruiter and the actual employer. If all went well with my sales profile, I'll move forward. The waiting game is sooo crazy!
I'm excited by the thought of moving somewhere with more opportunities for the kids (especially for S, since they have such a better program for him in this new City than what he is getting for services here!!!!!)... and more opportunity for us! It's a much needed change.
Keep your fingers and toes crossed that all goes well and that one of those young boys shaking in their boots doesn't get the position over me!! :)