Quote of the day:
"When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on." - Franklin D. Roosevelt
This quote is so fitting for me at this point in my life. I just had to share.
Here I am going all philosophical on you all. Sorry.
However, have you read "The Secret?"
Some people think that I'm crazy. I'm really not. I'm just passionate about certain things. The book, The Secret, just happens to be one of them.
There have been so many occasions in my life where the laws of attraction have certainly been obvious... now that I realize it, I see it much more often.
I have this wonderful friend, who probably thinks I'm nuts, but I know that if she (you) read that book I gave her before she moved away from me, she wouldn't think I'm so crazy anymore! I'm kidding... I know, she's a busy woman and doesn't have time to read! Someday though, when the time is right, she'll read it and thank me!
Anyhow, I'm getting off track.
Life for the past few months, as you faithful readers know, has been one heck of a ride for my family. It's one thing after another it seems. However, throughout this process of "testing" I have not given up on the possibility of everything working out in the end.
Yes, there have been many times throughout the last few months when I've thought to myself... "what the ??? How much more do you honestly think one person can handle?" The old saying goes, "God never gives you any more than you can handle." Well, I've been certainly questioning that!
The thing I've said the most to friends and family is this... "something good is going to come out of all of this... I don't know what it will be, but it will be something."
It's hard to stay positive all of the time. Believe me, I have my moments. But like the above quote states... "when you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on." What else are you suppose to do??
Saturday nights in our house is "family movie night." Well, this past Saturday night we watched "Meet the Robinson's." Such a sweet movie, the kids loved it. My husband noted however that it was, "kind of deep for the kid's don't ya think?"
It was - BUT... guess what the message was?
You got it! If you dwell on bad things that happen, you will live a miserable life!
Well, that's what I got out of it anyway. I won't ruin the ending for you if you haven't watched the movie, but if you do watch it... pay careful attention to Gube.
We try every day to teach our children to pick themselves up, dust themselves off, and try again. It's hard, yes. But, living in a positive light, makes living so much easier.
"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently." - Henry Ford
A little update on the Fam:
I have positive news today about S's therapy!
It will be held in our home town (less Wednesdays when we will have to travel).
Sure beats travelling four days! I'm very pleased with our persistence... and it really didn't take much.
So, I guess I can calm down and stop being a CRAZY woman!! Maybe now, people will want to hire me!
I'm sending that positive vibe out into the universe... let's just see what happens! :)
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