I can't believe it's been over a week since I've updated my blog. Sorry faithful readers :)
What's been going on in my life for the past week?
Well... let me just say... I feel like a complete ASS! Here's a little recap.
I received an email from a friend, letting me know about a potential career opportunity for moi. It sounded interesting so I though, what the hey... I'll give it a go.
I submit my resume. Let's see if I get an interview.
I get a phone call from the lady who works for the company who will be doing therapy with S this summer. She got a message that we were not happy with having to travel for S's appointments and is looking into how we can resolve the issue.
The thought of all of the travelling is still stressing me out.
A has a birthday party to attend. My friend and I take our two sons to the party in a nearby town that is about 35 mins away. The party was fun... although a little rainy. We thought we would take a short-cut on the way home... it ended up being a long cut. I've not been this freaked out in a long time. Listen to this...
We're driving down a road that we "think" we should be driving on and realize that we are going the wrong way.
We turn around and start driving back and decide to try another road that "looks" like the road we should be driving on... nope... wrong way.
We turn around again and notice that there is a vehicle parked along the side of the road. Great! We'll ask for directions.
We pull up beside this vehicle and roll down the window to find this huge dog looking at us (I gasp!!) and this man who looks like he has no eyes! AHHHH!!! There is a person in the back of the vehicle who seems to be looking for something but does not get out to talk to us. We were too scared to move!!!
We ask for directions and the man with no eyes tells us which way to go! Thank you!! BYE BYE!!
We drive past and I look back to see a woman crunched over in the back of the vehicle wearing tight black pants and a black halter top... she looks like she's been through the war... much like someone you might find on a street corner. I have no idea what she was doing. My friends says, "I think she's cutting up the body in the back!" AHHH!!
That was soooo freaky! It took us both a couple of minutes to say a word to each other. The boys were unaware... they were in the back seat playing DS. Phew!
Remind me to never stop and ask for directions again.
Now mind you, we live in a rural area with a seemingly low crime rate. There's not much that goes on around here other than petty theft, drug sales and cross-border smuggling. That experience certainly scared the bajesus out of me!!
S had a big birthday party and invited 11 of his closest friends! It was a great day... the kids had a lot of fun.
(in the back of my mind all day is the fact that S, has an EEG tomorrow where he MUST be asleep for a period of time... I'm stressed about how that's going to happen)
Moving on about the day, my son, A, and I had a dentist appointment in a nearby town which is about a 20 minute drive. We're driving/chatting/singing along with the radio when suddenly the radio turns off!
What happened?
We turn off of the highway and the van starts to chug and gurgle and sputter!
Next thing we know, we're sitting along side of the road calling DH to come and get us because the van won't start! AHHHH!
DH comes to the rescue and we manage to get the van back home.
Later that afternoon, I'm sitting at the computer doing my most favorite duty (paying bills) and the telephone rings. It's a local number... but not one that I recognize.
Who could it be?
Remember when I said I applied for a new job last week?
It's the Director of Operations calling to see if I would be available for an interview. They are looking to hire someone right away... full time, 8:30am-5pm.
Holy shit! I can't believe they're calling this quickly. I thought I would at least have the therapy issue worked out before I would hear back about this job prospect.
I kinda went ballistic on the woman! I feel like such an ASS!
I told her that I would love to have an interview but explained the situation about the therapy, travelling, etc. I'm not sure that I should have done that but she caught be at a weak moment. I just spilled my guts!
When I got off the phone, I sat there, numb for a minute. I can't believe I just told this lady my life story (or at least the last six months of it). That's not really something a potential employer needs to hear on an initial phone call. I'm feeling like a huge ASS.
The lady was really nice though... a little stunned, I think, and told me to call her back in a couple of days once I got some new information and spoke with DH about a possible schedule for travelling, IF there is such a thing that we have to do so.
Okay. Thank you.
OMG - I am in such a state of bewilder. We had to keep S up late last night for his sleep deprived EEG and wake him up two hrs early this morning. I'm stressed about him going through this. I'm worried that if he's stressed he'll stop talking again.
I'm stressed about the ASS I made of myself on the phone yesterday.
I'm pissed that I haven't heard back from the people about the travelling.
I make a phone call from my cell while we're driving to the agency looking after the therapy, trying to get a cell number for our contact person (who BTW told us to call her at any time, day or night). The girl on the other end of the phone "can't give out her cell number!"
Luckily though, she came into the office shortly thereafter and gave me a call.
We now have the travelling issue somewhat resolved.
We have to travel on Wednesdays and they will make accommodations for the rest of the week.
We get to the hospital for the EEG and although a bit hesitant to start, S does very well, gets hooked up and GOES TO SLEEP!
Thank you EEG lady! You were wonderful!!
We come home and I make a call to the Director of Operations to tell her that I am now in a position to redeem myself from my state of ASSness (okay, not a word, but work with me here).
I have to leave a message.
CANADA DAY! A holiday... I'm wondering/stressed/freaking out.
I get a telephone message from the Director of Operations. Call her back. Get her voicemail. Leave a message. She calls me back and this is our conversation:
Me: I apologize for my state the other day. Things have been so up in the air lately but we have finally been able to get things under control and know what our schedule is going to be. I am in a position to come in for an interview whenever it is convenient for you.
Her: (Lightly laughing) That's okay. I understand this has probably been a stressful time for you. I was speaking to the owner of our company the other day who happens to be coming to the area next week. She and I would like to sit down and review the position and what we will require from the potential employee. We will not be in a position to begin the interview process for a couple of weeks but I will give you a call at that time and set up an appointment with you.
Me: (disappointed) Okay then. That's great. That should give me a little bit of time to get everyone on a schedule and I will hopefully be in a better position to let you know what I can provide to you (we had previously had a little conversation about what they were looking for, etc., but she didn't really elaborate much... since she probably thought I was CRAZY).
Her: I thought that you might appreciate this little bit of time. I will call you in a couple of weeks.
Me: Okay great. Thank you!
My friend who told me about the position initially, said that they didn't want to advertise and asked her to put a few "feelers" out. They wanted to hire someone asap.
In my Assy state, did they decide that, "Hey, this girl is WhAcKy! Maybe we should advertise after all?"
I don't know! I guess I'll just have to wait and find out.
Food for thought...
Never tell your life story to a potential employer when they call to ask you for an interview...
Never stop and ask for directions when you're in the middle of nowhere!!
1 comment:
That? Is a hell of a week. Hope this week is a little less stressful for you!
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