Oh what a beautiful day. The sun is shining and my van is finally fixed. I won't tell you the story about how they could have had it fixed last week, because the part that they said WOULDN'T fit, really DID fit once they actually tried it! GRRRR!! (It's now in the past... let's move forward)
S, had his first day of "school" (aka - therapy) yesterday. He did so great! He didn't have a hard time joining in with the other kids at all. Wednesdays will be a group session during the summer. He'll be doing a school readiness program to get him ready for preschool in the Fall. The rest of the week will be one-on-one.
He was pretty tuckered out by the end of the day but very proud of himself. He wore his new Super Mario Backpack and was sure to tell everyone there, who was on it.
I stayed for most of the session... took my laptop and did some work in a nearby room where I could hear what was going on. At snack time, the teachers asked the kids to go and get their backpacks to take their snacks out of it and he was sure to say, "My backpack has Mario on it! Look, my backpack has Mario on it!" It was pretty cute. Super Mario is such a hero in our house!!
This morning however, he advised me that he was going to the sitter but he wasn't going to school. He changed his mind later on when I went to pick him up, but I was wondering if it would be a struggle.
Let's just hope every day is like that.
I feel kind of bad for him though... he'll be inside doing this therapy on nice sunny days and his brothers will be at the babysitter or at home, probably in the pool... it doesn't quite seem fair. He's working a 20 hr week before he even hits preschool.
This therapy will hopefully help him learn coping skills though and help him to deal with stressful situations.
So, I'm off to pick up the kids and enjoy the sunshine for the rest of the day... thank goodness it's finally here. And now that I'm not driving DH's truck with the stickers all over it, I feel much better driving through town harrassing construction workers and people who cut me off! LOL
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