Today is day two of rain... again with the rain! When will it stop?
It's been a pretty rainy summer thus far here in my little corner of the world. Five weeks of rain to be exact! Rain never bothered me before... but now, with three little boys in the house who won't stop fighting with each other? It's the end of the world when I wake up to a wet and dreary day.
I know what my mother meant now when she used to say, "you two kids are getting on my last nerve!!"
When I was a kid, I used to love to go outside in the rain... jump in mud puddles... play with my umbrella!
My kids? (the oldest two)
OMG - it's like pulling teeth to get them away from their little handheld video games long enough to eat, let alone go outside and play. Baby O, would stay outside all day if you would let him.
The best thing I've said to my little munchkins today is this:
"Have I told you lately that I love you? Great, now go put on your rain slicker and your boots and GET OUTSIDE!! I'll see you in no less than 45 minutes."
Phew - peace and quiet at last!
Oh wait... who's little face is this pressed up against the window?
"Get away! Go play in a mud puddle!"
It's like shooing the neighbors dog out of the yard!
Poor little O, has no problem playing in the rain... I can't let him stay out long though and he has to stay on the deck where I can keep an eye on him. However, he's the one trying to make it to the swing set... the other two? Faces pressed against the patio doors, crying like they're being abused... they're going through withdrawal and it's only been not even two minutes.
This is really quite funny.
"It's July boys, not January... it's rainy but not cold! Suck it up and give your poor mother a break."
We are leaving in two days to go on vacation for a week. Please let it be sunny!!
We'll have to be sure to pack those rain slickers and rubber boots, JUST in case.
Extras for Mom and Dad too.
I can't get us packed to go if I have to keep being the referee... and believe you / me... vacation is EXACTLY what this family needs!!
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