That is the question of the day.
We learned last week that S's therapy will start on July 6th. Which is wonderful.
(Are you waiting for the "but?")
Here it is... BUT... instead of it being in our hometown... it is now going to be a 35 minute drive each way for the months of July and August.
For those of you who do not live in a small town and typically drive 45 mins to work, one way... you may think I'm crazy... 35 mins isn't a big deal.
Here it is again... BUT...
When you work full time and you have to travel one of your little people to therapy that will take 70 minutes out of your work-day... it is a big deal.
We can't just take him, drop him off, go back to work... drive back, pick him up, come home... that would be 70 mins times two!! We will have to take him and stay while he's there to eliminate 70 mins of travelling time. It's a bit complicated.
So! What do do, what to do??
I went to my family doctor for a friendly visit yesterday and explained the situation. Her suggestion (I made her think it was her idea) is for me to take time off work.
A three month medical leave of absence (although I explained to her that I only need two, she believes we will need more time than that). I advised her that I don't want her to put anything crazy in my medical chart... like "patient going to have a nervous break-down if doesn't take time off work." She told me not to worry.
So... I call my boss.
He's pissed!
Boss: "You know, we can't just put you off work for NO REASON! We have to have a legitimate reason to put you off, you know! Do you think you're stressed?"
Me: (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!) "Do you think I'm not?"
Boss: "AH, well, ah, you must be!"
Me: "Ah, yeah! How would you feel if you're world as you knew it just did a complete 360 in a matter of minutes?"
Boss: "I guess I would be a little stressed! Let me see what we can do, let's see if we can work with you on this without you taking a leave of absence."
Me: "Okay - so while I'm not working and not getting paid, are you going to pay my bills for me??"
Boss: "Ah, NO!"
Me: "Okay then - so how about we look at the medical leave option... at least I'll get paid... right?"
I think the Boss is barking up the wrong tree. It is my right as an employee who pays into my benefits program, to have access to my coverage. If my doctor thinks I need to take a leave of absence, who is he to say that I can't? I think the Human Rights Dept. would have a field day with this guy!
It won't come to that but... holy smokes?
He's so crazy! "Do you think you're stressed?"
"I don't know... are you a man?"
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