Ooohhhh, today's topic hit's me hard!
Yes, I realize that we all like to gossip... to a certain degree. But when it comes to people talking about your kids! Watch out! I can say whatever I want, but God forbid YOU say ANYTHING about my kids!
This morning I was rushing around, getting everything together to get my passport done. Even though I've known about the June 1st deadline for having a passport to cross the border, I wait until June 10 to complete it. Oh the crazy life of a working mom.
Anyhow, I walk into my Lawyer's office this morning to have a friend that works there, be my Guarantor for my passport and I hear... "And (Momof3) says, well just leave him alone then!" Okay - this comes from a conversation that this friend and I had last week. Which is fine. But when I walked in and said, "I said what?" I took everyone by surprise by walking in on the conversation.
Anyhow, my friend proceeds to tell me that an acquaintance of hers called her and said, "What is going on with (Momof3's) little fella, S?" Well, as you are aware from reading my previous blog posts. S, stopped talking back in March and we have been to Doctor's, SLPs, etc., ever since, trying to figure out why.
He's still the same loveable, hugable little boy... communicating and getting what he needs and wants. He's just not using his words. He is making progress though. There is nothing mentally or physically wrong with this child. He is super smart. At the age of 4 he knows all of his letters and their sounds, can spell his name out loud and can recognize numbers up to 12.
Let me tell you... there aren't a lot of kids in kindergarten today that can do that!
One of his attributes at the moment, just happens to be the fact that he is incredibly strong-willed and STUBBORN! And has chosen NOT to use his words. He does say Mommy, Dada, Wii, Juice, POOP! You know, the important ones! :)
So, anyway, it's officially big news around my small town that "something is wrong" with S. Well... to all of you who like to gossip and make a mountain out of a mole hill - "mind your own GD business!"
I guess the biggest thing that got me was the comment that the acquaintance made when my friend said, "why would you ask that, what have you been hearing?" She then said, "OMG, I've heard everything from one extreme to the other!" WTF does that mean? My friend didn't have time to discuss what she had heard because she was at work but plans to find out. Ohhhhh.... I'll be interested to hear this.
As you can tell, I'm a little pissy today.
If you're genuinly concerned about the well-being of my child, thank you!
If you're just looking for the juicy gossip and are going to misconstrue everything, "go to hell!"
Oh the joys of living in a small town.
Passing The Baton
1 year ago
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