(Frantically searching)... Where is it? Please don't tell me I lost it? Please don't tell me, among the millions of things that I have to do today, this has gone missing. Can you help me out? I seem to have lost my magic wand! You know, the one that magically cleans the house; puts money into my bank account, since I work in a 100% commission based sales career; makes the kids' lunch in the mornings; does the laundry... (ring, ring) Oh - wait a minute? (Wiping the drool from my face and my laptop)... did I just fall asleep at work?
(Back to reality) Wouldn't life be grand if this were a true story. Oh the things I would do if I only had a magic wand. House chores would be at the top of the list... money would be second. Third would be to cure all illnesses and make everyone healthy. I feel confident that everything else in my life could be handled without it.
If you were given a magic wand, what would you use it for? (Comments below) And DH, please don't say, "make my wife want to be in the mood more often." Although... if everything else was done, I may not feel so tired at the end of the day! Hmmmm....
Life is so hectic these days. For those of us who have to work outside of the home full-time, there just aren't enough hours in the day (SAHM's I'm sure feel the same way, at least I get a little break from the kids when I go to work - I applaud those who SAH with their children - you deserve two magic wands!!).
One can only dream of what it would be like to have the authority to waive a small stick and say "abra-cadabra." Or - in my house, the famous words would be those often spoken by super mario brothers and my kids... "mama-mia - LUNCH!"
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