For the last three weeks, I have been trying to get my boys' hair cut.
Usually, this is not an issue.
Three weeks ago, I picked the boys up at the babysitter and ventured off to the hairdresser. God love her... she's so patient.
Anyhow, we get there and S usually wants to go first... well, not today! So A went first.
Once A was finished, S began to protest and didn't want to get his hair cut!
Because it's usually "Monkey See Monkey Do" in our house, Baby O then decides that he's not getting his hair cut either!
Well... when you only have so many hours in a day, you can imagine that this is driving me crazy. I decide to pick my battles and make an appointment for another day.
Another day comes... I take S and Baby O to the hairdresser. S gets up like a brave little soldier and gets the deed done.
Baby O? No way! Forget it! He still remembers about the protest last time and decides it's not over yet.
On to today... we try again.
What is going on here? I can't take this attitude. Picture a nasty little 2 year old looking at you and saying, "NO! I not getting my hair cut! Leave me ALONE! YOU NOT A BABY, I A BABY!!"
So by now you've probably guessed it!
Yes, I had to resort to cutting the little devil's hair myself!
(BTW - DH is not impressed with my hairdressing abilities)
Baby O thinks it's the best hair cut he's ever had!
I don't think that I should quit my day job!!
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