I feel so much better today than I have in a really long time. Yesteray, my DH and I met with a lady from an organization that helps with behavioral therapies, etc. They are putting together a team of professionals to help with my son's lagging skills. His speach has improved a bit. He is saying all of his letter sounds and will say "mama" and "dada." The journey is slow but seeing progress is wonderful. His temper tantrums are minimal... lasting only 5-10 mins... and I wouldn't even call them tantrums anymore. He likes to huff and puff and stomp off to his room. He's pretty dramatic... it's hard not to smile when he's doing this. He will be assessed by each member of the team and then we will start intensive therapies. The therapy will last 5 days/week from 9am-noon until he is ready to begin Kindergarten. I'm a little overwhelmed at the thought of this... but it apparently works very well. I talked to local professionals who have been involved in this program and they speak very highly of it. It sounds a bit exhausting to me but I guess it wouldn't really be any different than him going to the babysitter every day.
We have two meetings, one Friday and one on Monday which will help us understand the process more. I was so relieved to have met the Director of the program yesterday. She seems like a wonderful, caring person. It always makes it easier when you feel that the people you are talking to, understand where you are coming from. After the next two meetings, we are going to look at getting a cat-scan or MRI completed so that we can rule out more medical issues. We need to see if the non-verbal communication is a result of "elective mutism" or "apraxia." New words to google!!
I will update again once we get more information on the program... until then, I will continue to play the fridge phonics game. We've also started a "one new word a day" game... it seems to be going pretty well... two days in and we have "mama" and "dada"... we'll keep our fingers crossed for today.
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