In my search for answers, we were fortunate enough to talk to the principal at my oldest son's school about the things that were going on with my middle son, S. When he learned of the issues, he asked if I would mind him contacting the school psychologist and asking her a few questions. In a conversation with him yesterday, he advised that the psychologist would be willing to speak with me and he gave me her phone number. I immediately hung up the phone, called her office and left a voice mail message for her to phone me back. She called last night and we spoke at length about the issues that we were facing. She was so sincere and helpful. She has referred me to a clinical psychologist who has a private practice and deals with children from ages two and up. This tightening in my chest is slightly releasing. I don't care how much it costs, I just hope that we are able to speak with him soon. After the meeting with mental health yesterday and the frustration of all of the "red tape" that you have to go through to get help, I was feeling like this was going to take us forever. Can you imagine what it must be like for those who don't have anyone to help them get into contact with the right professionals? In the beginning, I didn't want anyone to know what was going on because I didn't want anyone "talking" about our family... we live in a really small town. Now, I realize that the more you talk to people, the more information you get and the more opportunities for doors to be opened.
I have submitted an online request for an appointment with the Clinical Psychologist and will wait until tomorrow... if I don't hear anything from his office, I will then make a phone call. I'm not sure what the turn-around time is, but it can't hurt to add a little persistence on my end.
We also got a phone call from the paediatrician's office yesterday, asking if we had gotten any results from the EEG. We haven't and neither has the paediatrician. Hopefully this will prompt their office to make a phone call to the EEG Dept. at the hospital where the procedure was completed. If not, I will make a very friendly phone call by noon on Friday to see if anything has been sent off or received by the paediatrician's office. I am also going to ask to be put on the cancellation list to see the paediatrician. As per the conversation with her office yesterday, we are now looking at the second week of May. Which is MUCH better than the end of June/early July!!
I'm trying to hold on as tightly as I can but OMG!! The stress is really getting to me! My mind is going crazy, I can't focus on my work but it stresses me out to be home and not able to speak to my little boy! I can't constantly talk to him about this behavior because if it is an attention-seeking behavior, I don't want to add "fuel to the fire." It's so hard to know what to do!!
Passing The Baton
1 year ago
Hi! It's nice to be able to leave comments now- I'm so happy you've found someone with a private practice and I hope you connect with them soon. It sounds like such a heart-wrenching situation with Spencer and I'm sure he's going through some tough stuff with not talking I could never imagine what it would be like but hang in there and your bound to make some progress. Please keep me updated on all of this :/
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