For the first time since I read "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne, I finally finished another book. This is a big accomplishment for me!!
Having three boys, working full time and just being plain tired, I've had a hard time following through with anything for the last seven years!!
Last night, I finished reading "You can heal your life" by Louise Hay.
The teachings of Hay are much like the teachings in The Secret, however, she gives you more to work with. She has exercises that she recommends that you do on a daily basis and tells you exactly how to do them. I need someone to hold my hand a lot when it comes to stuff like this.
Her main message is that you need to not only talk positive, you need to think positive because "what we think in our mind, comes true for us." I know, I know... it's hard to do on a daily basis. Negative thoughts come into every one's mind at some point in time, but when they do, you just have to push them out and say to yourself, "there are no more negative thoughts coming into my mind."
Have you ever been sitting alone, thinking about someone that perhaps you haven't seen in a long time? Then, a day or two later, you run into that person on the street? Or they send you an email? Even call you on the phone? Our first response to this is "I was just thinking about you the other day."
What this really is, is the Universe (laws of attraction) bringing the two of you together.
This same thing happened to me not too long ago. I was thinking about S starting preschool in the Fall. I remembered that when A went to preschool, the teacher contacted me in the Spring to have him come and visit for a morning. Then, over the Summer, she hand delivered a welcome package to our home. When we were on vacation, I was thinking... "I hope that Mrs. Early Bird doesn't come to our house to deliver the package for preschool while we are away, I must get in touch with her upon my return."
The second night after my return from vacation, I was sitting, folding laundry when my phone rang. It was a friend who asked me if I had gotten a phone call today about preschool. I said, "no" and she continued to advise me that there was not going to be any preschool this year as the Teacher had been diagnosed with Cancer and was going to need to take this year off. However, there was another school who would be hiring another helper in order to accommodate some more children and that I should contact her right away. When I hung up the phone, I was stunned. First of all, to hear that this dear sweet lady has been diagnosed with Cancer. But second of all, to think that, "I was just thinking about her the other day."
I read The Secret in January 2007 after my third son was born. I was at a point in my life where I really didn't know where to turn. Here I was, at home with three kids and wondering if I should go back to work full time, or stay at home.
I love my children, but I really don't think that staying home with them is an option for me. I find that I am so quick tempered when we are together all of the time. One main reason for this though is that we live in a small community away from our family members who are at least two hours away. We (I) don't get a break from the daily chaos, unless I work outside of my home.
My children will most likely concur that mommy is much happier when she gets out of the house for a least a couple of hours during the day. However, I am still guilt ridden by the fact that I have these feelings of contempt when I'm at home. I really do love my kids.
Anyhow, I've gone a little off track.
So I read The Secret, put up a vision board and started to look at the world in a whole different way.
Having just finished this new book... I see things even more differently... which is really amazing because I didn't think that I could.
The main thing that Louise Hay tries to get people to do is daily affirmations.
Now, I can't say that I find it an easy task to get up in the morning, look into the mirror and tell myself that "I love you." It makes me feel kind of silly, but it also makes me feel much better about myself.
One of my daily affirmations is:
"There is plenty for everyone, including me."
Which is to help me remain more positive about my daily work. Instead of thinking that there is too much competition out there, I really have to think that "there is plenty for everyone, including me."
Another would be:
"I am a good mother/wife/friend. All is well in my world."
This helps me to remember to be more patient with my children, rather than become agitated so easily.
One more:
"I have everything that I need. Things come easily to me. I am prosperous."This keeps me from saying, "I'm broke, I hate being on a budget, I never have any money for anything fun."
So what does DH think about this?
He's usually pretty supportive of this type of thing, but right now he's into a bit of a rut.
I'm finding that I need to be positive for the both of us right now... which makes it really hard to remain positive.
Things will turn around though, they always do!
Want to know what types of things have happened to me over the last two weeks since starting my daily affirmations? I'll tell you anyway :)
One: I won $125.00 from a challenge through my work.
Two: I have stopped clenching my teeth at night (stress related).
Three: I had a meeting with a client yesterday, who introduced me to a very influential businessman, who would like to sit down with me for coffee some day next week to discuss a possible career move.
You can say that I'm crazy. I guarantee though, if you try this positive way of life/thinking yourself, you will see that things around you will begin to change.
One important thing though... you have to be WILLING TO CHANGE or the cycle of old thinking will continue and you will not be open to the new opportunities that are staring you in the face.
In Louise Hay's book she tells a story of a man who came to her for help and in going through the process, he could see that his life was changing. He won $500 but couldn't stop saying, "I can't believe I won this money, I never win anything." He couldn't just be happy about the fact that he had won the money and be grateful. Instead, he dwelled on the fact that "he never wins anything." The next week, he was in a car accident and broke his leg... the doctor's bill was $500. If this man would have just been thankful and kept his mouth shut... what do you think may have happened? I can guess that he would not have broken his leg and would not have had to pay that $500 doctor's bill.
Something to think about.
Try it and see what happens to you. I'd be glad to help out in any way that I can. Just send me an email with any questions tljordan30@gmail.com
Life is good... all is well in my world.
(PS - I realize that the topics of my blog tend to jump around a lot. My blog is therapy for me, it allows me to release all of the tension in my life and talk to people who I don't have to worry about running into at the grocery store. Thank you for your support. And in the process, if I can make a little money at this, that's just a bonus.) :)
"I have everything that I need. Things come easily to me. I am prosperous."